Mark's Intro - Why God is Important to Us

Since the beginning of time God’s desire has been to have a people for himself: a people with whom he could be with and bless; a people whose heart would be for him and him alone. Early on humans chose to reject God and go their own way. God did not give up but has acted to save his creation through his Son, Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection.

We are a group of Christ followers who have been saved by Jesus and who are now seeking, through the power of His Holy Spirit living within us, to join with God in the work he is doing in our own lives, the lives of each other, the lives of people in our community and all of creation. The same love we have been given; we now seek to give. The same grace we have been shown, we now live in day by day. The same wholeness/holiness we have in Christ, we now seek to work into every area of our lives.

It is our desire to live as the people of God that we might know Abundant Life – Jesus - and share that Life with this hurting world, eagerly awaiting the day when Jesus returns.