Meeting Notes - March 30, 2014

From Alan, your humble facilitator

Here are the DRAFT Meeting notes.  Below is the agenda and some of the e-mail messages that prompted the agenda.

If you missed the meeting and want to hear the 2-hour recording, speak to Rick or Alan.


  1. Brainstorm a list - What have we accomplished so far?  (No debate - just a list)
  2. The Path Ahead for This Group?  Individuals share their concerns and their excitements.
  3. Future Meetings?  If so, when and where?
  4. Adjourn

Key E-mail Messages:

From Jean and Len - 8:30 a.m. 3/29

Hi Rick and All,

Len and I feel that even 'merger' is the wrong word to express who we are. We are not wanting to merger KOK and ex-BCC folks...we are exploring uniting a group of people who come from different Christian backgrounds (traditions). This is a work of learning (we have not arrived yet) to listen, love, and trust God. In our group, we have expressions of Catholic, Christian Reform, Plymouth Brethren, Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal, Toronto Blessing Vineyard, Mennonite Brethren, Christian and Missionary Alliance, and others. It is because of this diversity that we want to seek God for something new.

We have concerns that the attendance of people from the original KOKNTC has declined. Why is this? Are they feeling overrun or pushed out...or do they not want the new work to replace what they have come to know as home. That is totally understandable and from the start this has been a strong concern of those of us who have joined from BCC. This was definitely not our intention. I therefore propose that those who want to start a new work should be meeting elsewhere so that those who want to join it can do so without being forced into it.

Len and I would not be interested in taking on the building or assets of KOKNTC. At present, the building is getting close to not being accessible by at least 2 of our elderly attenders and for future considerations does not have much capacity.

Len and Jean

From Alan to Everyone: 10:00 a.m. 3/29

Thanks Jean and Len for being "brave" enough to share your concerns about our future path together in your e-mail earlier this morning. You raise some good questions that I feel we need to address before moving forward.

So . . . as your "agenda-meister" I need to know how the rest of you feel. Should tomorrow's agenda involve a step back to look at the process so far and where do we go from here? Or should we spend time talking about a new name and/or further discussion on Aaron's Core Beliefs document?

Reply from Jean:  10:42 a.m. 3/29

Thanks Alan,

Yes, I would appreciate a "step back".

I have been consumed with fears, misgivings, concerns that we (bccers) have or are perceived to have overwhelmed KOK folk, and concerns that we are expected to be 'flocked' into their fold (leadership system/style/affiliation , building, assets/liabilities...) without having a choice because we meet under their roof and banner...I'm sure they have concerns too...because of this preoccupation I confess that I have not studied Aaron's presentation like it deserves.

With Appreciation,


Reply from Mark:  11:30 a.m. 3/29

Yes – I was already thinking last week that it was time for a “pause” – and ask everyone, “What are your thoughts: your concerns and your excitements...”


Reply from Dave:  12:18 p.m. 3/29

Hi everyone,

I can understand perhaps not wanting to use the KoK church building, especially with the accessibility issue. We on the board have been aware of this issue for quite a while and recognize it needs to change. I believe there is actually some funds (though not a large amount) set aside to upgrade the building. The two options we have considered are an elevator lift or an outside covered ramp. This is certainly doable and I would like to see a solution implemented now that the winter weather is passing and work can take place.

On the issue of declined attendance? I'm thinking the reasons are not that cut and dried. I know of two families that have relocated for reason not related to the changes going on at KoK. One has decided to go to the recently reopened Kettle Valley Chapel because they believe in supporting a church in their own town (Rock Creek). Another is going to Osoyoos because one member works there on weekends and they are all able to go to church in the morning beforehand as a family.

Another thing is people have different personality types. Some thrive on debate and hashing out details, others find that stressful. I know of a few who that are letting the process go on, and then will be happy to participate in the result. I do think though, that perhaps having so many of these meetings at the church in a row is perhaps limiting to some people's enjoyment of gathering together. I agree that meeting elsewhere for these discussions, at least for the majority of the time, could be at another venue? Those that are committed to, and enjoy, this type of discussion will likely attend and those who are OK with the process taking its shape will be OK with the occasional updates.

I do believe that through this we can all come together, I enjoy worshiping and fellowshipping with you. I believe in diversity, God made us that way after all, and Christ's prayer in the Garden was that the world would know Him through love and the unity of the believers. We should focus on combining our strengths rather than seeing the differences.

In Him,

From Rick:  10:45 p.m. 3/29

Hi Everyone

I do agree with Mark that having no set time limit is best. If we are sharing our hearts, it may take longer. I believe that we are at an important moment. I do believe that part of what we need to be asking God is His heart for our situation. I can have my opinions and preferences, but what is God’s perspective?

As for the expats joining KOK over the last 15 months, it has changed who KOK is. I personally am happy with that. I have appreciated what others have brought to the table, and have really enjoyed Mark’s speaking over the last month. There is much to learn from each other.

We need to process through our fears. Somewhat, it is like a man and a woman having second thoughts about what a future marriage might be. We need to spell out our fears and face them. I realize the phrase “once burnt, twice shy” does apply, but fear alone should not dictate our actions. Fear does not walk us into life.

We have talked lots about learning to love one another and being a faith community. Is this process not a test about learning to love each other? It may be hard work, but loving someone, or being a loving community can be one of the best expressions of heaven on earth. High cost, high stakes, but high returns. It is no wonder that Jesus’ last prayer was for his disciples “that they may be one as we are one” Jn 17:11, and the devil works hard to bring division.

I pray that we can be up front with our thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams. God is at work in our midst!

See you tomorrow and God bless,



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